Initiative for culture and sustainability
How do we define "good living" given the global ecological crisis? This question, which is relevant for everyone no matter what social group they belong to, was the central thematic focus of ÜBER LEBENSKUNST (on the art of living), an initiative project of the Federal Cultural Foundation in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. In a multi-part programme, the project explored the profound changes our planet is undergoing through art – in performance, visual art, music, discourse and literature. ÜBER LEBENSKUNST brought together actors from widely varying disciplines to identify existing strategies and to develop and test out models of sustainable living fit for day-to-day life. In 2011, ÜBER LEBENSKUNST turned the city of Berlin into a showcase for artistic projects that brought together culture and sustainability with an event series, campaigns, urban installations and the Festival itself from 17 to 21 August. You can find more information on the initiative in the PDF on this site.